Thursday, July 2, 2015

Plan For A Hope and A Future

Oh my at the winding roads life has taken us.  It has been so long since I have updated the Blog and so much "life" has happened.  Our journey has taken us in different directions.  Directions we didn't plan for.  Directions we didn't intend to take. But I am so glad the Lord is the one who is the author of our journey.  For His plans are always better than our plans.

Here is our update I posted on our FB page:

I always tell Josh that I plan and God laughs. I am a type A, control freak. I like to have a plan, I like to know how things are going to go. Changes in my plan make me crazy. I had this wonderful plan of how my Summer was going to go. I was working on expanding my business and opening my storefront. We have been met with one obstacle after another. Me being the stubborn person I am, I have just kept pushing through. Well we hit an obstacle I couldn't push through, God. I had a plan, be He has an even better plan. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." To give you a HOPE and a FUTURE. Those mighty and powerful words are a punch in the gut. A hope and a future. How great is God's love. I want to tell you about God's plan. Please take a moment to read this blog post:
God has a plan for these children. A plan of Hope and a Future. Plans of redemption. Josh and I will be hosting these children for the Summer. Friends I ask that you join us in praying for these kids, in loving these kids. We need your help in raising the funds to host these children. We will be hosting several fundraisers and setting up a YouCaring account. Please share our page. But most of all please pray for us and these children.

YouCaring Account

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